February 2006 files released

Sourceforge data has been released for February, 2006. Get the files from our Sourceforge file release page.

What's included in this release:

Package: sfProjectInfo
Release: sfProjectInfo02-Feb-2006
--ProjectList02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of just project names
--ProjectInfo02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of all basic project info
--ProjectDescriptions02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: project names and their text descriptions (this file is quite large)

Package: sfRawDeveloperData
Release: sfRawDeveloperData02-Feb-2006
--developers02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of all developers
--developer_projects02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of which projects are worked on by which developers

Package: sfRawData
Release: sfRawData02-Feb-2006
--project_dbenv02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their database environments
--project_donors02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their donors
--project_intaud02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their intended audiences
--project_licenses02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their open source licenses
--project_opsys02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their operating systems
--project_proglang02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their programming languages
--project_status02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and status
--project_topic02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their topics
--project_userint02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their user interfaces