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A. Das and Wasserman, A., Using FLOSSmole data in determining Business Readiness Ratings, in Workshop on Public Data about Software Development, Limerick, IE, 2007.
M. Squire and Duvall, S., Using FLOSS Project Metadata in the Undergraduate Classroom, 5th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference on Open Source Systems, vol. 299. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 330-339, 2009.
C. M. Schweik and English, R., Tragedy of the FOSS commons? Investigating the institutional designs of free/libre and open source software projects, First Monday, vol. 12, no. 2, 2007.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., tgProjectOwners2011-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., tgProjectOwners2011-Jan.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., tgProjectLicenses2011-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., tgProjectLicenses2011-Jan.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., tgProjectInfo2011-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., tgProjectInfo2011-Jan.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., tgProjectCategories2011-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., tgProjectCategories2011-Jan.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
J. Howison, Taking Research to FLOSS-Curious Engineers and Managers, in First International Workshop on Emerging Trends in FLOSS Research and Development (FLOSS'07: ICSE Workshops 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2007, pp. 6 - 6.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., svProjectInfo2011-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., svProjectInfo2011-Jan.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., svDeveloperSkills2011-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., svDeveloperSkills2011-Jan.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., svDevelopers2011-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., svDevelopers2011-Jan.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., svDeveloperProjects2011-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., svDeveloperProjects2011-Jan.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2011.
J. Howison, Success Measures for Fire and Gaim. FLOSSmole, 2008.
C. M. Schweik, English, R., Paienjton, Q., and Haire, S., Success and Abandonment in Open Source Commons: Selected Findings from an Empirical Study of Projects, in Second International Workshop on Building Sustainable Open Source Communities (OSCOMM 2010), 2010.
A. Wiggins, Howison, J., and Crowston, K., Social dynamics of FLOSS team communication across channels, Fourth International Conference on Open Source Software, vol. 275/2008. Springer Boston, Milant, Italy, pp. 131-142, 2008.
M. Lungu and Girba, T., A small observatory for super-repositories, in 9th International Workshop on Principles of software evolution - IWPSE '07, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2007, pp. 106-109.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., skRawData2007-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2007.
