Publications and data
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Author [ Title] Type Year Filters: Bydoi is 10.4118 and FLOSSmole.freshmeat.2007-05.547 is [Clear All Filters]
“skProjects2007-Apr.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2007.
, “skProjects2007-Jul.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2007.
, “skProjects2007-Jun.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2007.
, “skProjects2007-May.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2007.
, “skRawData2007-Feb.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2007.
, “skRawData2007-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2007.
, “A small observatory for super-repositories”, in 9th International Workshop on Principles of software evolution - IWPSE '07, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2007, pp. 106-109.
, “Social dynamics of FLOSS team communication across channels”, Fourth International Conference on Open Source Software, vol. 275/2008. Springer Boston, Milant, Italy, pp. 131-142, 2008.
, “Success and Abandonment in Open Source Commons: Selected Findings from an Empirical Study of Projects”, in Second International Workshop on Building Sustainable Open Source Communities (OSCOMM 2010), 2010.
, “Success Measures for Fire and Gaim”. FLOSSmole, 2008.
, “svDeveloperProjects2011-Jan.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “svDeveloperProjects2011-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “svDevelopers2011-Jan.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “svDevelopers2011-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “svDeveloperSkills2011-Jan.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “svDeveloperSkills2011-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “svProjectInfo2011-Jan.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “svProjectInfo2011-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “Taking Research to FLOSS-Curious Engineers and Managers”, in First International Workshop on Emerging Trends in FLOSS Research and Development (FLOSS'07: ICSE Workshops 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2007, pp. 6 - 6.
, “tgProjectCategories2011-Jan.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “tgProjectCategories2011-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “tgProjectInfo2011-Jan.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “tgProjectInfo2011-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “tgProjectLicenses2011-Jan.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.
, “tgProjectLicenses2011-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2011.