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“Determinism and evolution”, in The 2008 International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories - MSR '08, Leipzig, Germany, 2008, p. 1.
, “Download patterns and releases in open source software projects: A perfect symbiosis?”, in 6th International IFIP WG 2.13 Conference on Open Source Systems, OSS 2010, Notre Dame, IN, USA, 2010, pp. 252-267.
, “Download patterns and releases in open source software projects: A perfect symbiosis?”, in 6th International IFIP WG 2.13 Conference on Open Source Systems, OSS 2010, Notre Dame, IN, USA, 2010, pp. 252-267.
, “Estimating Commit Sizes Efficiently”, 5th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference on Open Source Systems, OSS2009, vol. 299. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 105-115, 2009.
, “Experiences in Automating the Analysis of Linguistic Interactions for the Study of Distributed Collectives”, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), vol. 15, no. 2-3, pp. 149 - 183, 2006.
, “The FLOSSWALD information system on free and open source software”, in 9th International Workshop on Learning Software Organizations, 2006.
, “Geographic location of developers at SourceForge”, in 2006 International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories - MSR '06, Shanghai, China, 2006, p. 144.