
May 2011 Data Released

May 2011 data has been released to Google Code and uploaded into Data Central at Teragrid.

263 2011-Mar UDD bugfix replaces 262
264 2011-Mar UDD bugfix replaces 263
265 2011-May UDD May 2011 UDD donation
266 Rubyforge 2011-May Rubyforge 2011-May
267 Objectweb 2011-May Objectweb 2011-May
268 FSF 2011-May Free Software Foundation 2011-May
269 Savannah 2011-May Savannah 2011-May
270 2011-May FM May 2011 Freshmeat

Debian data, Ultimate Debian Database

Hello moles. A quick update on the Debian collections.

I told you earlier that we'd been collecting some Debian data and calculating software engineering metrics for each C/C++ package, and providing that data on both the raw data downloads page and in the database at Teragrid.
