Publications and data

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M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., developer_projects02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., developers02-Feb-2006.csv.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
G. Ripoche and Sansonnet, J. - P., Experiences in Automating the Analysis of Linguistic Interactions for the Study of Distributed Collectives, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), vol. 15, no. 2-3, pp. 149 - 183, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectAuthors2006-Aug.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectAuthors2006-Dec.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectAuthors2006-Oct.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectAuthors2006-Sep.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectDescriptions2006-Aug.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectDescriptions2006-Dec.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectDescriptions2006-Oct.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectDescriptions2006-Sep.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectInfo2006-Aug.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectInfo2006-Dec.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectInfo2006-Oct.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectInfo2006-Sep.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectLicense2006-Aug.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectLicense2006-Dec.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectLicense2006-Oct.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectLicense2006-Sep.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
