Donating Data
FLOSSmole collects data from open source development projects and repositories. We also gladly take data donations from groups or individuals.
Typically we are interested in data sets that describe or analyze open source software development, either at a project level, a team level, or a developer level.
Because the data sets are usually so large, we are unable to accept them using a web form, but if you would like to send an email to msquire AT elon DOT edu with a description of the following items, we'll get back to you:
1. What kind of data do you have? Where is it from, and what does it describe? Do you have a short sample?
2. What is the time period it covers?
3. Is this a one-time donation or will this be a regular thing?
4. What format is it in?
After you tell us what you have, we can work with you on:
the best way for you to send it to us, and
the best way for us to store your data in our system, and
finally, the best way to provide access to your data to the outside world.