Publications and data
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Author Title Type [ Year] Filters: Bydoi is 10.4118 and FLOSSmole.GoogleCode.2011-01.2203 is [Clear All Filters]
“Amassing and indexing a large sample of version control systems: towards the census of public source code history”, in 6th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2009.
, “datamart_fm_other.2008-Dec.sql.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “datamart_fm_projects.2008-Dec.sql.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “datamart_fm_project_trove.2008-Dec.sql.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “datamart_fm_trove_defs.2008-Dec.sql.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “datamart_ow.2008-Dec.sql.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “datamart_rf.2008-Dec.sql.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “datamart_sf_other.2008-Dec.sql.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “datamart_sf_stats.2008-Dec.sql.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “datamart_top_datasources.2008-Dec.sql.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “datamart_top_forges.2008-Dec.sql.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “datamart_top_forges.2008-Dec.sql.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “Estimating Commit Sizes Efficiently”, 5th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference on Open Source Systems, OSS2009, vol. 299. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 105-115, 2009.
, “fmProjectAuthors2009-Feb.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “fmProjectAuthors2009-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “fmProjectDescriptions2009-Feb.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “fmProjectDescriptions2009-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “fmProjectInfo2009-Feb.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “fmProjectInfo2009-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “fmProjectLicense2009-Feb.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “fmProjectLicense2009-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “fmProjectStats2009-Feb.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “fmProjectStats2009-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “fmProjectTrove2009-Feb.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.
, “fmProjectTrove2009-Mar.txt.bz2”. FLOSSmole, 2009.