Publications and data

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J. Howison, Conklin, M., and Crowston, K., OSSmole: A collaborative repository for FLOSS research data and analyses, in 1st International Conference on Open Source Systems, Genova, IT, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., ossmole-tools-1.0.1.tar.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfProjectInfo01-Oct-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfProjectInfo02-Dec-2005.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfProjectInfo04-Jul-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfProjectInfo06-Apr-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfProjectList01-Oct-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfProjectList02-Dec-2005.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfProjectList04-Jul-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfProjectList06-Apr-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfProjectNames28-Jan-2005.txt. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawData28-Jan-2005.tar.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDataIntAud06-Apr-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDataLicense06-Apr-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDataOpSys06-Apr-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDataProgLang06-Apr-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDataStatus06-Apr-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDataTopic06-Apr-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDataUserInt06-Apr-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDbEnvData01-Oct-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDbEnvData02-Dec-2005.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDbEnvData04-Jul-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDeveloperData01-Oct-2005.txt.gz. FLOSSmole, 2005.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., sfRawDeveloperData02-Dec-2005.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2005.
