Publications and data

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J. Bevan, Whitehead Jr., J. E., Kim, S., and Godfrey, M., Facilitating software evolution research with kenyon, in 10th European software engineering conference held jointly with 13th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005, pp. 177–186.
J. Howison, Conklin, M., and Crowston, K., FLOSSmole: A collaborative repository for FLOSS research data and analyses, International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 17-26, 2006.
M. Reichle and Hanft, A., The FLOSSWALD information system on free and open source software, in 9th International Workshop on Learning Software Organizations, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectAuthors2006-Aug.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectAuthors2006-Dec.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectAuthors2006-Oct.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectAuthors2006-Sep.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectDescriptions2006-Aug.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectDescriptions2006-Dec.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectDescriptions2006-Oct.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectDescriptions2006-Sep.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectInfo2006-Aug.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectInfo2006-Dec.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectInfo2006-Oct.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectInfo2006-Sep.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectLicense2006-Aug.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectLicense2006-Dec.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectLicense2006-Oct.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectLicense2006-Sep.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectStats2006-Aug.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectStats2006-Dec.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectStats2006-Oct.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmProjectStats2006-Sep.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmRawProjectAuthors2005-Dec.csv.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fmRawProjectAuthors2005-Nov.csv.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2006.
