April Sourceforge data released

The April Sourceforge data has been released. You can pick up the files from our Sourceforge file release page.

Here's what's included:
Package: sfProjectInfo
Release: sfProjectInfo02-Apr-2006
--ProjectList02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of just project names
--ProjectInfo02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of all basic project info (i.e. number of developers, registration dates, etc)
--ProjectDescriptions02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: project names and their text descriptions (this file is quite large)

Package: sfRawDeveloperData
Release: sfRawDeveloperData02-Apr-2006
--sfRawDevelopers02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of all developers
--sfRawDevProjects02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of which projects are worked on by which developers

Package: sfRawData
Release: sfRawData02-Apr-2006
--sfRawDbEnvData02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their database environments
--sfRawDonorData02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their donors
--sfRawIntAudData02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their intended audiences
--sfRawLicenseData02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their open source licenses
--sfRawOpSysData02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their operating systems
--sfRawProgLangData02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their programming languages
--sfRawStatusData02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and status
--sfRawTopicData02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their topics
--sfRawUserIntData02-Apr-2006.csv.bz2: list of projects and their user interfaces

Go grab the files and have fun! If you need to use the query tool, please read these handy tips first. And as always, the "how-to" for using our data is available too.