developer data files

sfRawDeveloperData12-Nov-2004 includes raw data files generated from the ossmole databases. Included data files are: sfRawDeveloperData12-Nov-2004.txt, sfRawDeveloperProjectsData12-Nov-2004.txt. These files list the developers on sourceforge (loginname, real name, sourceforge email) and which developer works on which project (and what role they occupy on that project).

october raw data

sfRawData21-Oct-2004 includes raw data files generated from the ossmole databases. Included data files are: sfRawLicenseData21-Oct-2004.txt, sfRawStatusData21-Oct-2004.txt, sfRawProjectData21-Oct-2004.

october lists of all projects

This is an updated release of the master list of the unique unixnames for all projects hosted on Here are the October 7 projects.
