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M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fsfProjectInterfaces2009-Feb.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fsfProjectInterfaces2009-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fsfProjectLicenses2009-Apr.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fsfProjectLicenses2009-Feb.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fsfProjectLicenses2009-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fsfProjectRelated2009-Apr.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fsfProjectRelated2009-Feb.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fsfProjectRelated2009-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fsfProjectRequirements2009-Apr.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fsfProjectRequirements2009-Feb.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., fsfProjectRequirements2009-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
A. Wiggins, Howison, J., and Crowston, K., Heartbeat: Measuring Active User Base and Potential User Interest in FLOSS Projects, Fifth International Conference on Open Source Software, vol. 299/2009. Springer Boston, Skövde, Sweden, pp. 94-104, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owDeveloperProjects2009-Apr.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owDeveloperProjects2009-Feb.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owDeveloperProjects2009-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owDevelopers2009-Apr.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owDevelopers2009-Feb.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owDevelopers2009-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owProjectDescription2009-Apr.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owProjectDescription2009-Feb.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owProjectDescription2009-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owProjectEnvironment2009-Apr.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owProjectEnvironment2009-Feb.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owProjectEnvironment2009-Mar.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
M. Squire, Crowston, K., and Howison, J., owProjectInfo2009-Apr.txt.bz2. FLOSSmole, 2009.
