Details about the repository collections
Submitted by megan on December 24, 2013 - 6:13pm
Hot off the presses! Another update to the Apache people-roles-projects data:
Datasources 1578-1585 have updated information on people working on Apache projects, including committer lists, PMC lists, PMC chairs, etc.
Timezones are also now being collected as well.
This is an update to the original dataset described in the paper "Project Roles in the Apache Software Foundation: A Dataset" (2013), written by yours truly.
Submitted by megan on December 16, 2013 - 1:29pm
December data has been released. We have a few old standbys (fc, rf, ow, sv, al) and some hot fresh data as well.
What is new, you ask? Well, we have some IRC chat log data for the Apache project Camel [1]. A nice new social data set, all parsed and organized into relational database format for you to query.
Submitted by megan on December 1, 2013 - 11:12am
We've been collecting Rubyforge data almost since the beginning. Last month we reported on the decline of Rubyforge in light of newer forges, like Github. Here's the chart we drew:
Now we've got this lovely pair of images to contend with:
Submitted by megan on October 2, 2013 - 2:34pm
Many of you know that we provide flat files of our data for download by anyone at any time. Until recently we had hosted these on Google Code (before 2009 or so, we hosted them on Sourceforge). Recently, Google Code announced that projects will not be able to have file downloads as of January 2014. So we had to find a new home for our files.
Submitted by megan on March 19, 2013 - 2:15pm
Hi moles! I've got two new datasets for you to play with. These aren't perfect, but they're a start of a new type of dataset for FLOSSmole!
(1) Apache Roles: This dataset stores information about people affiliated with all the subprojects of the Apache Software Foundation, their roles, and what project they're working on with that role. Data sources include: Apache web site pages, board meeting minutes, etc. (Pre-Print on FLOSShub describing collection, curation, storage, sample queries)
Submitted by megan on February 7, 2013 - 12:34pm
Hello moles! I have completed the move of all our data from the Teragrid over to FLOSSdata and it is ready to go.
There are some new things to know:
1. New schemas for 'old', 'sf' and 'udd' data. You're used to seeing those in the 'ossmole_merged' schema, but they've been moved out into their own schemas.
2. Reminder that the 'sf' data is quite old and we recommend that you use SRDA instead.
3. There are some new tables coming for Apache data. More information on these will be forthcoming.
Submitted by megan on December 29, 2012 - 8:53am
Hi moles,
This message is for those of you who are actively using direct database access on the MySQL server at Teragrid/SDSC.
Our direct access database is being moved off Teragrid at SDSC and onto our own servers at
To accomplish this move, I'm going to need to re-create our active user accounts on MySQL.
(This is a good opportunity to clean house anyway since there were a number of user accounts on there for people who have moved on or are no longer active.)
Submitted by megan on November 30, 2012 - 10:45am
The datasource ID is 350, and we've got a fresh run of Google Code project names, thanks to Audris. Also the People collector is fixed up now, so we're getting both the userid and the user name if available. So note the new column in the people table.
Go here to get the data files
Submitted by megan on November 12, 2012 - 6:35pm
The November 2012 data has been released to Google Code. Go get it!
Note: we are in the process of copying from the Teragrid, so we will not be putting any more data up there for the time being. More details on direct database access will be forthcoming.
Submitted by megan on October 19, 2012 - 1:59pm
Huge thank you to our former student and flossmole alumnus Christian Funkhouser for working on re-writing the Launchpad collector to use the API.
Get the code!
The datasource_id for Launchpad in September is 342!