Revision Control Matrix, June 2011

This is part of a series on Everything you ever wanted to know about software forges (code forges) June 2011
Description: The table shows which revision controls are available for projects at each code forge.

Revision Control Matrix, 2011

Forge Name ARCarch (ARC): Offers Arch revision control system. BZRbzr (BZR): Offers Bazaar revision control system. CREcodereview (CR): Offers code review revision control system. CVScvs (CVS): Offers CVS revision control system. DARdarcs (DAR): Offers Darcs revision control system. GITgit (GIT): Offers GIT revision control system. MERmercurial (MER): Offers Mercurial revision control system. TFSmtfs (MTFS): Offers Microsoft Team Foundation Server revision control system. SVNsvn (SVN): Offers Subversion revision control system.
Est: March 29, 2003
Users: 11053
Projects: 920
Powered By: FusionForge
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Est: 2006
Users: 300,000
Powered By: Assembla
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Est: January, 2000
Projects: 3,600
Powered By: FusionForge
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Est: 2008
Users: 138,000
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Est: February 26, 2003
Projects: 288
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Est: May, 2006
Projects: 22,559
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Fedora Hosted
Est: December, 2007
Powered By: trac
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Est: April 10, 2008
Users: 758,300
Projects: 2,119,817
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Est: January, 2008
Powered By: Gitorious
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Est: January, 2004
Users: 15,199
Projects: 1,353
Powered By: Savane
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Google Code*
Est: March 17, 2005
Projects: 208,664
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Est: 2003
Users: 604,505
Projects: 2,057
Powered By: Kenai
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Est: September, 2005
Users: 23,000
Projects: 494
Powered By: Codebeamer
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Est: 2004
Projects: 22,912
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Est: 1999
Users: 19,813
Projects: 191
Powered By: Gforge
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Est: 2006
Projects: 6,535
Powered By: Origo
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Est: September, 2008
Users: 4,696
Projects: 225
Powered By: Gforge
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Est: 2003
Users: 88,985
Projects: 9,206
Powered By: Gforge
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Est: 2003
Users: 69,381
Projects: 514
Powered By: Gforge
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Est: 2000
Users: 51,709
Projects: 3,334
Powered By: Savane
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Est: 2006
Projects: 600
Powered By: Sharesource
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Est: November, 1999
Users: 2,700,000
Projects: 291,600
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Est: January 1, 2000
Projects: 799
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Est: 1999
Powered By: VHFFS
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Forge-Specific Notes*

1. Codehaus: Calculated number of projects on CodeHaus by using the project directory to list projects alphabetically, then summing the counts (total 288). Codehaus does not have a project directory so it was somewhat difficult to survey a variety of projects.

2. Google Code: Does have a project search and directory, but too large to use to calculate manually the number of hosted projects.

3. Java.Net: Merged with Project Kenai.

4. JavaForge: Projects can choose which items to make available. Here I have coded "yes" for any features that I saw in a consistent location on a subset of project pages, but these widgets (for example tracker details) are located on different screens for different projects.

5. Objectweb: Has a middleware focus

6. Origo: does not have a directory, so I used the "recent projects" featured on home page to check out what projects were hosted there.

7. Forge includes federated sites hosted elsewhere, but I did not include these in my project counts.

8. Sarovar: Sarovar is based in India.

9. Tigris: Calculated number of projects from project directory (by categories). There may be duplicates if projects are listed in more than one category.

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