
Forges paper pre-print

Here is the pre-print copy of the paper on forges that David and I have written. I am going to present at HICSS 45 in January.

Squire, M. and Williams, D. (2012). Describing the software forge ecosystem. 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Maui, Hawaii. January 4-7. Forthcoming.

Data Resources: 

Forge Policy Matrix, June 2011

Part of a series on Everything you ever wanted to know about software forges (code forges (June 2011)
Description: The table shows which forge policies are held by each data forge as of early June 2011.


Revision Control Matrix, June 2011

This is part of a series on Everything you ever wanted to know about software forges (code forges) June 2011
Description: The table shows which revision controls are available for projects at each code forge.


Feature Matrix for Code Forges, June 2011

Part of a series on Everything you ever wanted to know about code forges

Description: The table shows which features are evident in projects of each data forge, as of early June 2011


Everything you ever wanted to know about software forges (code forges), June 2011


We have taken a list of 24 software forges and classified them according to what features and artifacts are present on that forge (as of early June 2011). The word cloud below represents the relative frequency of the forge tags. The links lead to tables that show what characteristics each code forge has.

We have a paper summarizing and extending these findings, which you can download as a pre-print attached to this posting. The citation is:


Artifacts Matrix for Code Forges, June 2011

This is part of a series on Everything you ever wanted to know about code forges.

Description: The table shows which artifacts are evident in projects of each data forge as of early June 2011.
