Submitted by gbatchelor on July 1, 2016 - 10:31am
This graph represents The number of posts in the Django IRC logs. The lighter green squares represent days with less posts than the darker green squares. Months go from left to right and are separated by the darker lines. Days go by columns from left to right.
Submitted by megan on June 2, 2016 - 1:17pm
Thanks to the work of my two summer research assistants Evan Ashwell & Greg Batchelor, the IRC channels for #bitcoin-dev, perl6, #ubuntu, #django, and puppet (#gen, #dev, and #razor) have been updated.
Things to know:
Submitted by megan on August 1, 2014 - 12:17pm
In my continuing quest to be organized, I've created a new schema to hold just the IRC log data. On the database server (access instructions here), there is a new schema called 'irc' and it includes (for now) Ubuntu logs, Django logs, 7 Apache projects, and the topic lines from Freenode for all channels with 3+ users.
Coming soon: email updates, including Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML) and more IRC (Wordpress, etc).
Submitted by megan on March 25, 2014 - 4:47pm
Django is a Python web framework. And of course it is an open source project. I have downloaded the entire collection of IRC logs for this project starting with the first logs from 2011. The logs are split into lines, parsed into fields (message, sender, time, date, etc) are now loaded into ossmole_merged database on our live MySQL server in a table called django_irc.
Each datasource_id represents one day's log file. Right now we have datasource_id 8442-9435.